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Introduction to Mendeley In-Person

Mendeley is one type of citation management software (or bibliographic management software). It allows you to create your own personal library of references to books, articles and documents. References can include citation information (author, title, publisher, etc.) as well as annotations, graphics, and even copies of the documents themselves. The software works with Microsoft Word and Libre Office to automatically add references to your paper and format your bibliography in the proper style (MLA, APA, Chicago Style, etc.).

If you are working on a paper, including an Honor's Thesis, Master’s Thesis, or dissertation, consider signing up for a Mendeley workshop!

Using the Mendeley citation management tool, students will be able to

Import citations into Mendeley from the library’s subscription databases, Google Scholar and Library Catalog

Organize the citations into folders

Add a note and annotate citation

Use the Citation plugin to insert citation and create bibliography/references while writing

**Prior to attending workshop, attendees should review the following page


Download Mendeley for their respective computers/operating systems

Create a Mendeley account

Install the Citation plugin (instructions available at https://www.mendeley.com/guides/using-citation-editor/01-installing-citation-plugin)

Can't make this seesion? Schedule a personalized workshop!

Related LibGuide: Citation Management by Ramona Romero

Tuesday, January 28, 2020
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
612A Central Library
Central Library
  Research Hacks  
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Ramona Romero
Ramona Romero